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Policy Workshop on International Carbon Certification Schemes

26 September 2024, Brussels (Belgium)

9AM to 1PM

📍Comet Meetings Louise or online

What proposals do other regions or countries have in terms of public and private schemes to promote the soil organic carbon (SOC) storage? How can they contribute to the ongoing discussions on the Carbon Removals Certification Framework (CRCF) from the European Commission?

This workshop will give you an insight into what is happening in the United States and Australia, as well as an overview of the context in the Pacific region and Europe.

Organised by the ORCaSa project in the framework of the Soil Carbon International Research Consortium (IRC), this event is an opportunity for experts and policymakers to meet, exchange ideas, and make progress in the field of soil carbon policy.

Moreover, the results of this workshop will be used to draw up a policy brief. Indeed, to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate neutrality, to support the EU Green Deal and the objectives of the EU Soil Mission, Europe must coordinate its research and innovation efforts on soil carbon with international stakeholders and policymakers.


Hotel recommendation

Preferential rates are only valid at these hotels for the dates of the event, and bookings must be made online via the ORCaSa project page (by clicking on the buttons below).

NH Grand Place Arenberg – Rue d’Assaut 15

Hilton Brussels Grand Place – Carrefour de l’Europe 3